Thunder Bay Road Trip!
The Council takes a road trip north!

Headwaters Mission Center Council, along with Colleen and Russ Hancock and grandson Vinson, road tripped north to visit our special friends in the Thunder Bay congregation. When one thinks of the Thunder Bay congregation, one is reminded of the twentieth verse of the eighteenth chapter of Matthew:
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”
So we set off to share in community with the small but faithful in Thunder Bay! Friday evening, we gathered at the Northwoods Congregation for a wonderful barbeque. Phil Greer and Steve Eliason did an awesome job grilling! After dinner we sat around and had wonderful conversations and played games. Several stayed overnight at the church, while homes were opened to others.
Saturday morning after making breakfast we divided up into cars and headed for the border. Thankfully we all made it through! Upon arriving in Thunder Bay, we met the members of the congregation at their building and had our Coffee Talks. We shared what was happening in the Mission Center and our love for Thunder Bay. They in turn shared how they were doing.
In the evening after a very filling buffet dinner, we went and visited Myrtle, who is home bound. As soon as we started coming through her front door, Myrtle’s face lit up and tears started flowing. She got up and hugged, and I mean hugged, each and everyone of us. That was a feat in itself! We shared in communion with the congregation in her home. We filled her home with laughter and love. Myrtle ministered to each and everyone of us.
Sunday morning we met Cecil at his favorite breakfast hangout. The morning then continued with the Council providing the worship service in the congregation. A time for laying on of hands was available along with testimonies and a homily from Chris Davisdon. The pizza restaurant across the street opened just for us and we ate with the congregation before heading on the road. Again, we all made it across the border – whew!
Each time members of the Mission Center Council travel for Coffee Talks with congregations across the Mission Center, all leave feeling blessed to have been there.
Have questions about Coffee Talks or the Thunder Bay congregation? Email Karen Hill or Chris Davisdon.